Monday, 23 March 2015

Mobile Learning has become a Popular Method for Skill Development

In the area of corporate training, the benefits of mobile learning are many and most organizations are open to the idea of making their trainings available on the mobile platform. Since the learning-content is available for the learner at all times, mobile learning can be a strong platform for skill development. The endeavor is learner-driven and this makes sure that the learners are engaged with the content and can utilize it the most when they need it. In the last few years, mobile learning has made lot of progress and mobile learning management systems now make learning accessible to learners at all times. One of the early utilization of mobile learning for skill development was through the Text messages or SMS that cater to the immediate learning needs of learners. Here is an example of how mobile technology can be utilized to increase the language skills of tourists in a foreign land:

  • To begin with, Language Support Information booklets can be given at popular tourist spots like airports, hotels, popular restaurants, and so on.
  • The booklets can be informative -- providing basic introductory phrases that the learners can have handy for use.
  • In addition, the tourists can register their numbers on to a help service to receive SMS updates as per their requirement.
  • The updates are then sent to their mobiles on a regular basis.
  • Learners themselves could also request a translation of a particular phrase to or from the language and will receive an instant reply.
This model has many benefits and can be replicated for corporate training as well to deliver skill enhancement trainings.

  • The learning endeavor did not set out to achieve huge milestones in learning the language. The knowledge of the language was just enough for the tourist to feel comfortable in his new environment and be able to self-sustain.
  • These words were regularly sent out to the tourists, several times a day. By reading out the words several times a day, the learner would slowly become comfortable using them in practical scenarios.
  • On-demand requests from the learners were dealt with as well by searchable repository of words and phrases. When a learner makes a request to search a particular word/phrase, the word or phrase is directed to a database and the relevant translation is then sent back via SMS.
There are many benefits of this model:
  • This model was a start to the long way of learning a language. It provided elementary support that can help the learner communicate on a very basic level.
  • Text messages could be saved on the learner’s phone, which helped them to refresh as and when they needed to.
  • Reading the SMS was not tiresome as the length was kept very short for instant use and utilization.
Mobile technologies have many utilizations and it is a strong platform for delivery of skill enhancement trainings as well. The mobile learning platform is a powerful medium that gives out continuous support – and is therefore best utilized by the learners.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

LMS Provides Customized Learning for the Modern Workplace

Though training and learning have always been part of the workplace, the way that people learn has changed over the last decade or so. With the advent of computers into the workplace, technology-aided learning has truly made its foray into corporate training. Learning management systems have been developed to make sure that learners can access training and a seamless system is in place to track their progress. But that is not all that online learning management systems can do. A modern learning management system is equipped to handle a lot – from content delivery, creating student evaluations and assessments, building online digital repositories, providing a platform of collaborative learning and so on. More than anything, a successful learning management system provides learning as per the needs of the learner – it is customized and personalized as required. This is what makes it a successful learning platform in the corporate scenario.

  • Most modern learning management systems have simple and logical structure. This does not deter the learner to interact more with the system and try out all its features to utilize it to the hilt. The learners do not have to learn the workings of a new system in order to access the e-courses. In addition, many learning management systems also have built-in features that allow learners or managers to customize its looks as per their linking. For instance, within the organization, a team can customize the look of the UI with in-built skins that make the platform more appealing, it also builds the solidarity of learners within that group.
  • In addition, Learning Management Systems can be integrated with existing systems which ensures that managers or administrators can assign e-courses to them on a single database – most commonly the HRMS and the learner can access it from the existing system itself. No extra sign-in are required from the learners’ end. This also suits the managers as they can prepare a learning portfolio for their employee – customized as per their learning requirements.
  • The learner themselves too can browse the learning management system and choose e-courses for customized learning. The learning management systems becomes truly beneficial when it allows the learner to decide and get the choice of learning as well. Most modern LMSs thus have a search function and catalogues within the system where learners can look for reference material, quizzes, assignments, discussions or even audio-visuals on a particular subject.
  • In addition to customization, e-learning developers should keep in mind that most learners have short attention spans. Thus text heavy and lengthy e-courses are a bad idea as they are just conversions of written training material into electronic format. To be impactful, e-courses should be segregated into smaller modules of information that the learner can access as per requirement. This helps them to retain better and access the Learning Management System for a series of short learning sessions instead of lengthy ones where they are sure to lose interest.
Learning management systems are beneficial for organizations as well as learners for many reasons. But the structure and features of the learning management system should also be created with a learner-centric focus as they are the end users of the platform. With customized learning, learner engagement can be increased and so can be the overall success of the learning endeavor.