Monday, 15 May 2017

SCORM Principals And Authoring Tools

SCORM standard is a set of identical specifications explaining to developers how Learning Management Systems must read and present eLearning courses and how they should interact.

Let us look at the 5 key principals of SCORM standard which makes it the most preferred standard to create an eLearning content.

1)      Reusable- SCORM online training courses are easily reusable in any of the conditions like Apps, programs, texts etc.
2)      Durable- SCORM also safeguards the accessibility and simplification to suit all technologies without extra and just expensive updates and follow-on revision.
3)      Efficient- Software engineers are able to get the technical specifications of how to create an eLearning course.  SCORM also helps in saving time and expenses that are required for technical instruction delivery and altering eLearning content for different systems / platforms.
4)      Adaptability- eLearning software can be customized according to business with the help of SCORM standard. So, courses which are SCORM compliant can be adapted as per specific needs of the business.
5)      Interoperability- SCORM ensures the capability to use content irrespective of platform it was made for. This means shifting SCORM compliance course to another LMS or software ispossible and can easily be done at any moment. So, SCORM also ensures humble and convenient course migration.

Authoring Tools that can be implemented in SCORM Online courses:

  • Adding useful features- SCORM permits addition of valuable features as directing learners to click on various elements, translating dynamic text, implementing modules such as exams, videos, and assessments. The course becomes all the more engaging, collaborating, appealing and engaging.
  • Enhanced Logic- It is easy to outline the time required for completing the course, as well as specify the order of the modules. It will be insensible to place a final exam in the middle or at first. So, with SCORM authoring tools it is very easy to keep the right sequence of the course. Additionally it is possible to create a single test for each module to track results in a better way.
  • Analyzing Statistics- Companies can easily track the time learners spend on each module, video, page etc. SCORM allows analyses of general statistics, failures and successes of learners. These features are particularly useful for organizations that want to integrate eLearning / HRMplatforms to educate and onboard employees.
  • Data Visualization- Data visualization makes reporting process easy convenient and less time consuming. Report scheduling can also be implemented to automate the process of reporting.

SORM is an appropriate tool to make tailored made eLearning solutions for your organizational training needs and make it more efficient and effective by adding features in it.