Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Pushing Pharma Sales Through Effective Mobile Learning Strategies

Digitization plays an ever-evolving role in today’s era of transformations in the pharmaceutical industry, featured by increased number of patients, doctors and new entrants. To stay consistent, companies need to adopt a customized approach and make data the primary key of marketing. The industry challenges from rising competition and cost pressures to reducing profitability and changing regulations have impacted the conventional business model.


Today, pharma companies utilize innovative technologies to create a team of marketing, sales and digital experts who work seamlessly to cater to emerging customer needs. Therefore, mobile-enabled e-learningcourses are designed for the sales personnel to foster collaboration with customers.

Most of the companies in pharma industry lack a perfect strategy to embrace digital disruptions. They initiate learning process without a clear understanding of industry needs and market dynamics. As a result, companies face repercussions when they empower sales employees with laptops. The most robust technology is interactive mobile app which is a ready-made platform for workforce engagement and effective healthcare solutions. Today, pharma companies realize the value of mobile devices which enable workforce to learn at their own pace as per their customized needs. They have shifted towards patient-oriented approach to improve communication between pharma industry and their patients.

Digital Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Technological advancement and digital innovations are developing at a very fast pace. Despite various barriers, the adoption of new technologies has enabled pharma companies to deliver ‘beyond-the-pill’ services. The biggest innovation in this industry is the blend of biology and technology, which is known as blockchain technology. It is a shared record of peer-to-peer transactions created from linked transaction blocks. Each patient’s data is made a ‘block’ part of a complete patient profile which is later shared with healthcare professionals.  Blockchain technology helps companies store patient data, improve operational efficiency, secure medical information and simplify access to that data. It is highly efficient and secure framework for data sharing with the potential to digitally transform the industry. Blockchain can benefit pharma companies in different ways:
  • ·         Track movements through multiple channels
The incompatible legacy systems have minimal visibility of end-user sales, so blockchain helps to track how new drugs shift from manufacturer to the customer.
  • ·         Enhance drug safety
Blockchain helps to keep track of active pharmaceutical ingredients, find drugs that do not contain them and filter out fake drugs.

A pragmatic approach towards e-learning software in delivering effective digital strategies is getting popular. From sales to manufacturing and support, pharma industry takespride in providing digital healthcare solutions with tailored learning outcomes. 

Thursday, 11 January 2018

No UI Is Good Enough: A Big Step Towards Transparent Interaction

With technological advancements, the trend of using interactive online learning platforms with no interface is the next big thing. Latest mobile apps revolve around a single screen, helping users do just anything. There are gamut of benefits and opportunities which organizations can leverage when thinking about interaction through Graphical User Interface (GUI).

In today’s digitized world, everyone is surrounded with smartphones, smart-TVs, laptops and tablets to gain just-in-time information. For workplace training, bulk information is shared via interface, peppered with short audio and video nuggets. New age learners prefer UI-less Learning Management Systems (LMSs) to access online courses without any need to login to the interface at all times.

For the last few years, GUIs have conquered the way learners interact through employee training software. Technological advances encompassing multi-screen touch and gestural inputs have moved far beyond merely interaction. The prime objective of GUI is to impart information in a way that it is easy to understand and access. Also, interface helps providing visual controls that helps users to access relevant information and instructs machine to perform further tasks. No doubt, majority of the people are accustomed to GUIs when using online platforms to access e-courseware. But ultimately, it has to be something new, innovative and time-saving, without affecting the interaction level of learners.

Shift Towards UI-Less Interaction

With the increasing popularity of just-in-time training, organizations are directed more towards automated learning. With the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI), trainers can automatically monitor the performance of their employees without any hassle. Also, automated learning through AI can regularly check employees’ work progress and other scenarios to ensure optimum performance. Several organizations believe that advances in AI are making the use of traditional UI extraneous. With time, UI will be no longer an essential tool for users while interacting with machines.

No wonder, latest mobile apps and online learning platforms are not completely UI-free. They still need a login screen and a chat interface. But, with introduction to automated learning, it has become possible for learners to login once and the very next time directly start the course module from where they left. While shifting away from GUI, learners are more prone to interact via multimodal interfaces. Audios, videos, speech recognition, vibrations and chatbots will be the most popular ways to impart information at different levels. Although communication through an interface is engaging, but if no UI is good enough, then this trend can definitely be followed.