Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Top Mobile App Learning Trends That Will Transform The Face of E-Learning

In today’s modern scenario, organizations have realized that the use of varied mobile learning apps is not an optional investment, but a necessity. Mobile learning is the latest trend adopted by organizations to cater to customized learning needs and improve sales. The ever-evolving mobile app market is dominated by social media, gaming, lifestyle and other apps.

Large enterprises such as healthcare, retail, banks, automobiles and others use mobile applications for product branding, marketing and customer engagement.  Even small companies are adopting mobile learning and designing apps that are tailored to varied learning requirements. Some of the latest mobile app development trends that determine the efficiency of learning are outlined as follows:

1. Internet of Things (IoT)

The idea behind smart classes, smart health, automotive sector and smart retail is growing with time. From healthcare to smart office settings, IoT apps have gradually become mainstream in the year 2017. With increasing demand for connected things, innovative apps are required for smart devices to meet diversified learning needs.

2. Accelerating Mobile Pages (AMP)

With introduction to AMP, loading pages using smart devices is also accelerated. It allows quick and easy loading of pages on your personalized mobile devices, with reduced bounce rates and higher page ranking and visitor frequency.

3. Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality Apps

In the year 2017, AR and VR have gone beyond gaming and entertainment, driving huge business growth. The market of both these technologies has transformed diverse sectors including retail, healthcare, automobile and others.

4. Cloud-based Apps

Today, most of the organizations prefer designing cloud-based mobile apps, leading to easier access of data without affecting internal phone memory. As per research done by Cisco VNI Global Forecast, cloud apps are expected to drive mobile data traffic to 90% by 2019. [Source:]. Companies were always concerned about protecting their data, which can now be protected by the cloud.

5. Machine Learning & Chatbots

Conversational interfaces and chatting with online shoppers are highly profitable for businesses. At workplace, bots are used to handle information overload, ease information access and lighten load of repetitive tasks.

6. Lazy Loading 

Lazy loading is the upcoming trend which is expected to drive the future of mobile app learning. There are few images that take much time to load, preventing the learner to access the complete course. As the page loading time increases, the bounce rate grows and the conversation rates decrease. Therefore, this technology is adopted which enables loading of images only when their turn on that page comes.

Certainly, mobile app learning and development is at the cusp in the year 2018. So, it is essential to adopt these latest trends to allow learners access training at their own pace of time and location.

Monday, 7 May 2018

Moving A Way Ahead Through Customized Blended Learning Solutions

The potential of blended learning has redefined in ample ways. It is no more confined to the combination of classroom instruction with e-learning to create a training module. The delivery method took preference in this style of learning, with a prime focus to distribute learning to employees working from diverse locations. Digitization has improved the scope to impart custom e-learning solutions by paving the way for microlearning, gamification and other emerging trends.

Blended Learning: Going Beyond Traditional Training Instruction

A question may arise to your mind: is the technology-aided learning spell an end of classroom-based training? The answer is, no it is not. An effective blended learning program can redefine the way classroom training is provided, making it more engaging. Let us imagine a typical classroom environment:
  • The instructor uses sources such as documentations and presentations to explain different concepts.
  • The learners are motivated to ask queries once the presentation is complete.
  • Handouts of the entire sessions are given to the learners.
Now imagine this scenario-
  • TThe trainer shares a calendar with the learners and asks them to complete pre-assessments.
  • TThe trainer notifies learners to undergo few courses which will help them to boost their knowledge level, before undergoing a face-to-face session.
  • TA highly interactive presentation is prepared based on pre-assessment results, embedding links to engaging games and video nuggets.
  • TAssessments during instructor-led session will help the trainer analyze an individual’s performances.
  • TFurther, assignments can be completed online, when the learners are back to their workplace.
In the above two scenarios, training is same, but the approach is different.  With the support of technology-oriented blended learning solutions, organizations ensure that learning becomes a measurable outcome.

Social Learning- An Essential Pie for Blended Learning

As training is becoming more learner-centric with the use of innovative tools, it is crucial for an organization to redefine its learning and development strategy. With an introduction to social learning for corporate training, it is crucial to understand its benefits for an optimal learning experience. The conventional approach does not support social learning, thereby unable to embrace an informal learning experience. However, an engaging blended learning program when combined with social learning components leaves a better impact. Different ways in which social media elements can be incorporated with blended learning are discussed here:
  • Introducing social media components within classrooms as well as online sessions so that learners are aware of what others are saying. Embedding links to videos and blogs within the courses aid learners get an in-depth insight on the topic.
  • Social media acts as an ideal platform to share new ideas and spin off discussions, thereby fostering a continuous learning environment.
  • Through social media, learners gain access to a variety of sources including webinars, case studies and more.
Without any shadow of doubt, it is the time for organizations to redesign their e-learning strategies. With employees becoming a crucial aspect for the training process, trainers have found it effective to implement customized e-learning programs that boost employee growth and performance.