The need for impactful e-Learning
development is growing across the corporate sector. With more and more training
budgets directed towards e-learning, companies are able to reach out to their global
employees and ensuring same standards of learning across the organization. However,
there are some considerations that must be taken into account when creating
e-learning content for a global audience. Developers need to make sure that the
content is as per the requirement of the audiences. E-learning content
Localization comes in at this point – making e-content suitable for specific
audiences as per their individualistic requirements.
E-learning content Localization
is the process of creating content keeping in mind the different local and
cultural preferences of the intended audience. It may include Translation of
written or spoken text. However, this is not all. E-learning contentLocalization is much more than just changing the language so that the learners
can read up the e-course. While saving time and money it also increases the
reliability of e-Learning content, as just one sample of content needs to be
verified – and then localized into different modules for a far-reaching global
learning strategy.
- The first step to effective e-learning content
localization is to understand the learning behavior, preferences and needs
of the target audience. While the diverse audience may have many different
preferences, there has to be a common learning objective. This needs to be
identified before the course development in the source language.
- Cultural biases towards icons, figures or colors
needs to be kept in mind. Local experts can attend to language
translations and bring in the right cultural flavor to the text. This
makes sure that the e-content is as per the cultural preferences of the
- When the e-course is developed, e-learning content
localization experts should make sure that the text is concise and crisp. It
is important to avoid alliterations and descriptive passages that will
confuse the local translators. The use of slang or jargon should also be
avoided to make the content free of culture-specific references.
- Audio accompaniment is often an integral part of most
e-learning courses. The Localized audio should be in sync with the
accompanying text, graphics or animations. If using human-voice for
voice-overs, choose a suitable mix of gender and ethnicity, keeping the
target audience in mind. Here too, choosing local voice-over artistes is
the best option to bring in the right cultural flavor in the audio.
- Remember that cultural bias towards graphics and
icons are the strongest. It is a good idea to create graphics with common
tools like Photoshop, which allow ‘layering’ that keeps imbedded texts
separate in source-files (.psd format). This allows changes to be made in
the text, while the image can be left the same.
- Many modern organizations which have a regular and
continual need to localize their trainings often prefer to outsource the
process of content creation as well as localization to an e-learning
company which has all required services. Not only does it centralize the
process, the training content is prepared keeping the needs of Localization
in mind.