With technological
advancements, the trend of using interactive online learning platforms with no interface
is the next big thing. Latest mobile apps revolve around a single screen,
helping users do just anything. There are gamut of benefits and opportunities which
organizations can leverage when thinking about interaction through Graphical
User Interface (GUI).
In today’s digitized world, everyone is surrounded with smartphones, smart-TVs, laptops and tablets to gain just-in-time information. For workplace training, bulk information is shared via interface, peppered with short audio and video nuggets. New age learners prefer UI-less Learning Management Systems (LMSs) to access online courses without any need to login to the interface at all times.
the last few years, GUIs have conquered the way learners interact through employee training software. Technological
advances encompassing multi-screen touch and gestural inputs have moved far beyond
merely interaction. The prime objective of GUI is to impart information in a
way that it is easy to understand and access. Also, interface helps providing visual
controls that helps users to access relevant information and instructs machine
to perform further tasks. No doubt, majority of the people are accustomed to
GUIs when using online platforms to access e-courseware. But ultimately, it has
to be something new, innovative and time-saving, without affecting the interaction
level of learners.
Towards UI-Less Interaction
With the increasing
popularity of just-in-time training, organizations are directed more towards
automated learning. With the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI), trainers can
automatically monitor the performance of their employees without any hassle. Also,
automated learning through AI can regularly check employees’ work progress and
other scenarios to ensure optimum performance. Several organizations believe that
advances in AI are making the use of traditional UI extraneous. With time, UI will
be no longer an essential tool for users while interacting with machines.