From touchscreen encounters to real-world experiences, Virtual and Augmented Reality (AR) reflect a new trend of learning, engaging and collaborating across the enterprise. Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-aided technology that uses realistic images, audios and animations to replicate a real-life environment. Availability of online courses in multiple formats via Learning Management Systems (LMSs) has become one of the most efficient methods to deliver continuous learning. The applications of an AR system are ample. As a collaborative tool, it enables real time communication among learners spread across diverse locations. As a training tool, it is used to direct learners with a series of steps to complete a task.
Scope of Augmented Reality in Different Industries
Awareness of AR has reached a crescendo, resulting in innovative learning solutions to support an increasing number of opportunities across industries. Augmented Reality has improved the interaction between learners and educators, resulting in better collaboration and marketing capabilities.
Figure- Adopting AR: What are Enterprises Doing
Today, organizations looking to adopt AR have improved their learning technologies to leave a powerful impact on the enterprise market. The ever-evolving conditions of the digital world have increased the potential of online course delivery, saving costs and increasing effectiveness of workforce training. Let us discuss few industry verticals where AR is embedded with e-learning:
► Healthcare
From mental health ailments to 3D simulations, AR is expected to have a wide range of applications. For instance, virtual organ models are used in advance by doctors to prepare for complex surgeries. Today, AR solutions when blended with data analytics and artificial intelligence can change the way care is delivered.
► Entertainment
There are some organizations that organize live events, games and other forms of video entertainment to generate highest revenues through augmented reality. For players of video games, AR headsets add a digital value by providing seamless opportunities for interactive content.
► Retail
For retail companies, AR is used as an efficient tool to get the most out of information disseminated through social media and interactive mobile apps. Customer buying pattern can be analyzed to create virtual tours tailored to the learning needs of individuals.
► Manufacturing
Digitization has completely transformed the manufacturing industry. Sensors are installed on factory floors to improve operational efficiencies and reduce costs. AR helps building strong collaboration and engagement among learners, thereby streamlining the entire training process.
In conclusion, Augmented Reality is an advanced technology used to provide learners with the right type of content at the right time. An amalgam of personalized AR gadgets with robust e-learning applications can help taking learning to the next level.