Showing posts with label learning management system India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label learning management system India. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Safer & Stronger – 5 Ways Health & Safety Training of Employees Can Improve Your Workplace


5 Ways – Health & Safety Training of Employees Can Improve Your Workplace


In 2018, Teresa Webster suffered a terrible workplace accident. Slipping on leaked coolant that had been spilled over the floor, Webster fell and badly injured her head. She was further injured by a tray of industrial screws that fell on top of her as she tried to catch herself from falling in her cluttered, dangerous workplace. Webster suffered a terrible head injury, including internal bleeding.

The company assigned Ms. Webster a chiropractor to help with the pain without considering that there might be other medical concerns. With no medical diagnosis provided, Ms. Webster continued to suffer from terrible headaches even after the chiropractic consultation until she became temporarily bedridden and finally received medical attention without the company’s direction. In 2021, Webster sued for worker’s compensation and negligence, leaving court with her medical expenses, legal fees, lost pay, and a hefty additional amount for the distress she suffered.

According to the US Bureau of Labour, about one in thirty full-time workers has suffered from a workplace accident in the United States. With the massive resurgence of employees returning to work and companies looking to swell up their ranks with new hires after the pandemic, this number will likely go up soon. To stop this, employers need to invest in health and safety training to re-educate old employees and quickly train new ones on the procedures to stay safe.

Workplace accidents can lead to expensive bills and lawsuits, and a hazardous workplace drops morale tremendously. The knowledge that workplace accidents are common can lead to increased stress and decreased productivity, as well as higher rates of attrition. A study in the international journal of environmental research and public health found that construction workers who felt safe with their training and equipment had massively higher job satisfaction and worked faster and more efficiently.

Of all safety training, the following are the ones will usually have the largest impact on your workforce.


  1. Hazard Prevention Training

Hazard prevention is everything from keeping the office clear of tripping hazards like loose wires to administrative issues like electrical hazards. Effective hazard prevention requires employees to take responsibility for their office environment and point out likely causes for concern, small and big. These can prevent many costly and embarrassing mess-ups before they happen. Knowing the workplace is safe can also be a huge morale boost for employees, allowing them to focus on the job instead of stressing over possible workplace injuries.


  1. Equipment Safety

While not relevant to every industry, many companies work with dangerous equipment. Vehicles, power tools, medical lasers, and toxic chemicals are just some examples of workplace items that can be extremely dangerous if not handled with care. Companies that take equipment safety seriously enjoy similar improvements in employee loyalty and efficiency. With good equipment safety, your company can get around the awful situation of a workplace accident that can seriously hurt valuable employees and send production back several days or longer.


  1. Hazard Response Training

When prevention is unsuccessful, a good business needs a backup plan. While some large offices can have a doctor on standby, first aid should be readily available in every workplace. Many offices have first aid kits in prominent locations, but it’s also necessary to have people trained to use them at a moment’s notice. For serious emergencies, companies should also have clearly outlined ambulance protocol. Ensuring these protocols are clearly outlined and universally understood can save time and create order in an otherwise chaotic situation, leading to faster results, saving costs, and potentially even lives.


  1. Safety Training for Confined Space Work

A confined workspace can make every other safety hazard massively more dangerous. Equipment hazards, fire and electrical hazards, and even day-to-day hazards like a cluttered workplace or spill are far more dangerous in confined conditions, so it’s doubly important that employees working in such conditions, such as construction workers, maritime workers in ships, docks, and rigs, and other jobs that necessitate cramped working conditions be trained in all the ways they should respond to safety hazards, both general and specific to the industry, since they’re at far more risk of severe consequences if something were to go wrong.


  1. Hygiene and Environment Training

With the recent pandemic, the concern of office hygiene is on people’s minds far more often than before. Taking measures to prevent even minor illnesses can have a massive impact on productivity. Offices that don’t get sick don’t have as many sick leaves. Healthy employees are more energized and productive. Even something as simple as a clean desk can have an impact on the office. Getting employees to take these things seriously isn’t always easy, but good training programs that spread awareness of the value of a clean working environment can boost office productivity substantially.


G-Cube believes that these trainings should not be just one-time events, but a full-fledged learning program to not only educate your employees but to build the behavior which keeps health and safety at the top of the mind. Employees should feel that health and safety trainings are not just a formality but a life-saver, not only for them but also their families and friends.

Monday, 10 May 2021

Fairytale from the Future: Facial Recognition

For most organizations, the ‘new normal’ is synonymous to ‘remote working.’ Remote working also means remote learning and upskilling being the need of the hour, learning is a vigorous process with us all. But what happens to assessment? Remote assessment is not something we are used to yet. Though there are some instances of remote assessment practices, but they are not fool proof thus not good enough for desperate time like these.

Traditionally, the authentication of the person appearing for the remote assessment was being done through designated username and password, and also two-factor authentication but there’s a loophole. It does not have proof of authentication. Thus, to ensure secured proctoring of these assessments, GCube proposes Facial Recognition, and we implore you that you hear us out as we shall be surely answering all the questions of high cost and accuracy issue.  

As a client posed the problem, we got into action to research the challenge and that is how we arrived at the facial recognition solution to make proctored assessment process seamless and efficient with practically zero imprecision. However, like with technology, facial recognition has been presented with challenges in its capacity but, GCube’s LMS has countered and resolved most of the following challenges by integrating a robust system.

High costs involved in facial recognition: Facial recognition involves continuous clicking and matching of the images with the ones in the database. Every passing second involves 24 frames, so a session of 30 minutes will increase the cost manifold. GCube’s solution counters these exorbitant costs by clicking the pictures of the learner at irregular intervals (which cannot be predicted by the learner) and matching it with the database. In addition, the FR now is offered as a service by providers like AWS and Google Vision so there’s no need to build a separate infrastructure. This way the costs are greatly controlled without affecting training and assessment.

Improved accuracy: Another challenge that used to come in the way of using facial recognition is accuracy. As the current facial recognition systems are trained on larger data the accuracy levels have increased following the very basic principle of machine learning. Of course, add to this the availability of high-end camera equipment at reasonable pricing which has improved the FR technology by many folds.

Privacy – the bone of contention in the field of FR:  For a long time, facial recognition has dealt with the issue of privacy. This has however been solved in the GCube facial recognition suite by matching with the reference image and erasing the rest of the captured data except in case of a discrepancy. In case of any discrepancy below the mismatch threshold of 70% between the uploaded photograph and the snapshot, the following error messages, dependent on the upload will be registered:

·             MF – Multiple Faces Detected

·             OF – One Face Detected

·             NF – No Face Detected

The snapshots which do not cross the mismatch threshold are stored for the proctor or mentor for their approval along with the original photographs the learners have uploaded. The proctor or the mentor can then access the report workflow and deal with them accordingly.

Thus, we have now made Facial Recognition an accessible technology and not a fairytale from the future.  

With over 100 industry awards in learning technologies, G-Cube would love to share more information with you about our facial recognition solution engineered specifically for the learning industry. Please do write to us here.

GCube’s BFSI LMS: Must have Mobile-First Features


According to a study by Mordor Intelligence, ‘The mobile learning market is expected to register a CAGR of 21.45% over the forecast period 2021-2026.’ With the pandemic moving people out of office, this was inevitable but our experience with some of the largest BFSI organizations in Asia Pacific, helped us realize this sooner. Not showing-off but we already did build a Mobile-first LMS for our clients long back.

While one of our clients needed a mobile-first LMS to enable faster onboarding of its 40,000 strong sales team; another banked on this technology to help in virtual sales. It is not just them but organizations that rely on mobile learning solutions saw a 16% boost in productivity and improvements in creativity and loyalty of their employees.

With reports of the global mobile workforce being set to increase to 1.87 billion people or 42.5% of the global workforce in 2022, up from 38.8% in 2016, workers have become increasingly mobile, which includes their primary work device. Now, it is important to understand that building a mobile version of a learning management system is not just changing the UI. It requires well-researched and thoughtfully applied features to ensure security and connectivity.

Here’s how we did it.   

Sensitive Content Security   

Mobile devices are personal devices with a public network connection. Thus, the content like internal data, processes, reports, fund values, customer information and even training manuals vulnerable to online abuse. To secure sensitive content on the device, the GCube BFSI LMS comes with Personal Information Encryption. Screenshot is disabled for all content.

Information Security Readiness

Security requirement in BFSI sector is much higher than in any other industry. So, the mobile LMS comes with multi-factor authorization for log-in. We also integrate with Mobile Device Management suites that secures your mobile LMS app for distribution withing your authorized employee base. This protects your app from external abuse or malicious activities. Additionally, it provides a mechanism of privacy for anybody who are accessing sensitive content on the app.

Customer Service & Sales Enablement

A very large section of the customer service and sales workforce in the BFSI sector is dispersed and works on the move. To enable them the Mobile LMS comes with ready guides for Complex Products and SOPs. The BFSI LMS has a very specific suite to also enable virtual sales.

Adept to Lesser Infrastructure

The dispersed workforce in the BFSI sector poses yet another challenge for technology access and that is lack of standard infrastructure. While in some cases the issue is of lower connectivity and in some other case, it’s a less sophisticated device. The LMS has been built to be conducive to these devices and makes content available in secure, downloadable format to tackle network problems.

For monitoring this dispersed and mobile workforce, we are developing a fleet management feature as well with geo-tracking and geo-fencing solutions.

With mobility and security at the heart of our R&D philosophy, GCube has won more than 100 awards for the learning technology innovations made over the last 20+ years. To know more about our solutions, please write to us.

Facial Recognition is not a Remote Assessment Fairytale Anymore!

Aviation is a dynamic industry and trust us, when we say that we understand the multi-layered issues of training and assessment in an industry where the workers are continuously on the move. In a set up that is so highly regularized and rightly so, training is not a casual upskilling exercise. The training in aviation is incomplete without the assessment and the authentication of the learner during this assessment which is remote in many occasions due to the dynamic nature of the industry.

Traditionally, the authentication of the person appearing for the remote assessment was being done through designated username and password, and also two-factor authentication but the loophole remains that it does not have proof of authentication. Thus, to ensure secured proctoring of these assessments, GCube proposes Facial Recognition, and we implore you that you hear us out as we shall be surely answering all the questions of high cost and accuracy issue.  

As a client posed the problem, we got into action to research the challenge and that is how we arrived at the facial recognition solution to make proctored assessment process seamless and efficient with practically zero imprecision. However, like with technology, facial recognition has been presented with challenges in its capacity but, the FR solution in GCube’s Aviation LMS has countered and resolved most of the following challenges by integrating a robust system.

High costs involved in facial recognition: Facial recognition involves continuous clicking and matching of the images with the ones in the database. Every passing second involves 24 frames, so a session of 30 minutes will increase the cost manifold. GCube’s solution counters these exorbitant costs by clicking the pictures of the learner at irregular intervals (which cannot be predicted by the learner) and matching it with the database. In addition, the FR now is offered as a service by providers like AWS and Google Vision so there’s no need to build a separate infrastructure. This way the costs are greatly controlled without affecting training and assessment.

Improved accuracy: Another challenge that used to come in the way of using facial recognition is accuracy. As the current facial recognition systems are trained on larger data the accuracy levels have increased following the very basic principle of machine learning. Of course, add to this the availability of high-end camera equipment at reasonable pricing which has improved the FR technology by many folds.

Privacy – the bone of contention in the field of FR:  For a long time, facial recognition has dealt with the issue of privacy. This has however been solved in the GCube facial recognition suite by matching with the reference image and erasing the rest of the captured data except in case of a discrepancy. In case of any discrepancy below the mismatch threshold of 70% between the uploaded photograph and the snapshot, the following error messages, dependent on the upload will be registered:

·             MF – Multiple Faces Detected

·             OF – One Face Detected

·             NF – No Face Detected

The snapshots which do not cross the mismatch threshold are stored for the proctor or mentor for their approval along with the original photographs the learners have uploaded. The proctor or the mentor can then access the report workflow and deal with them accordingly.

Thus, we have now made Facial Recognition an accessible technology and not a fairytale from the future.  

With over 100 industry awards in learning technologies, G-Cube would love to share more information with you about our facial recognition solution engineered specifically for the Aviation industry. Please do write to us here.

Volvo Eicher’s Itube: User Generated Content for Training Revolution

Multi-media learning has been accepted to create better retention for a while now and L&D has seen the uptake of audio-visual learning for decades. However, the pandemic fast-forwarded our worlds and things changed rapidly.  According to Think with Google, 58% learners are using digital video to learn new skills in the post-pandemic world.

Given the blue-collared nature of work in the auto industry’s manufacturing units and service centers, watching and learning is an absolute necessity and thus the value in using video as a medium is clear. When Volvo Eicher approached GCube for a learning solution that will work for their dispersed workforce with variable educational background, we immediately identified the need for video-based learning. However, given the volume of content needed and variety of learners we were catering to there were two major challenges:  

  • High costs of video production with proper content localization.
  • Time taken to create the same.

Thus, ITube was built. ITube is a video sharing platform integrated in the GCube LMS for Volvo Eicher which is a channel-based video platform built exclusively for the client’s workforce much like the more commonly used counterpart, Youtube. The platform curates user generated content which are naturally localized, low cost and also come from in-house Subject Matter Experts.

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 How did ITube solve the above stated challenges?

Leveraging localized and user generated video content: Itube resolves the time and cost issues by allowing their workers to create videos. Effectively deploying the user generated video content model for sharing knowledge. This not only brings down the cost but also crunches the hefty process of content generation from 15 – 20 days to just a 5-minute exercise. Suppose there is a need for short format videos on various parts of trucks. That will be a lot of videos with a very high production cost and also will need experts. But here, a senior worker can create a video on their respective work area and upload it for other juniors to learn from. The same can be done for topics related to features, offers, objection handling, addition or removal of parts, upgrades, after sales support and many other areas which become beneficial for the entire force.

Quality check through content moderation: Though Itube grants the content creation rights to all users, it gives singular authority to a moderator to ensure quality control measures remain in place. The moderator curates the user generated video content and after passing the quality check process they are uploaded to the video platform.

Concrete strength to the internal stakeholders for training:  Itube helps the internal leaders to increase their contribution to quality of training. Plus, it comes with a string of benefits like organizing contests for the HR teams from a content development standpoint. This adds strength to best practice sharing within the company.

Itube also comes with a live-broadcast-to-active-audience feature which increases engagement and retention.

How ITube created better learning strategy through videos?

  1. With users generating video content, the first positive impact was on the number of knowledge videos spanning across a variety of categories, that were created every month. There are more than 350 videos on the platform with almost next to nothing development cost.
  2. The basic fact that these videos were created by friends, colleagues, peers or seniors immediately raised the number of views, average duration of video consumption, and engagement levels of the knowledge content. As on 1st May 2021, the total users on the platform are close to 11,500.
  3. Localization of video production provided a distinctive demographical edge as content was created from different regions, using different languages, and keeping in mind the preference, culture and sensibilities of the audience in that area.
  4. This further allowed content distribution and penetration to the furthest corners of where Volvo Eicher ran operations.
  5. By using the metrics from ITube rewards could be given to the best video content creators, providing gratification for their efforts and motivating others to get involved.

Itube is a revolutionary video training content platform that was specifically designed keeping in mind the unique characteristics of the automotive Industry. It has already delivered on its promise to Volvo Eicher with the total number of users of the platform going up to 7300.

With 100+ industry awards, and 45 new clients onboarded in the last financial year, we at GCube would love to share more about everything Itube can do for your company. Do write to us at

Monday, 22 March 2021

Making Pharma LMS GxP Compliant


A regular admission of our Pharma Solutions team is that they get requests from clients for an LMS which complies with GxP requirement. And it is interesting to see that even with such a large demand base, there are few products that are customized to their needs. While the need is such, traditionally the LMS and the DMS/QMS are maintained separately and the perennial client complain remains that this leads to higher overheads and vulnerabilities in compliance monitoring.

From our exploration as an LMS provider trying to figure out the optimal solution for GxP in training systems, the challenges identified were as follows:

  • System maintenance, risk analysis and record keeping
  • Regular system checks and a plan for business continuity
  • Information security guidelines being followed based on rules of the country of operation

Based on the same we have a list of recommendations for your Pharma LMS to ensure long term GxP compliance.

System Qualification for IQ, OQ and PQ validation

For a manufacturing unit to claim to be compliant to GxP, one has to have the information of IQ, OQ and PQ and the concurrent validation available for the LMS. and creating a system qualification of the software becomes an important step to ensuring future GxP compliance.

Service Patch Records and Risk Analysis

Like any software, your LMS has to be updated regularly. However, to remain compliant, it is important that records of all service patches and risk mitigation steps are recorded on the LMS to show to Auditors that all possible steps have been taken to avoid major incidents.

System Checks and Business Continuity Planning

The LMS should come with a process for regular checking of the system. It is also required to have alternate documentation available in case of a single point or multiple point failure of BCP.  It is always advisable to store SOP and Quality guidelines in a backed-up server or the Cloud to remove on-premise vulnerabilities to knowledge or break in process. This storage also needs to come with the highest levels of security but should be accessible so work can continue at other facilities in case of one facility being affected by any major incident whether man-made or a natural disaster. There are many different options to select from including but not limited to AWS and Azure. Auditors love a good Business Continuity Plan that is secure and scalable.

Information Security Guidelines

The regulatory bodies are very particular about Pharma companies demonstrating that the InfoSec guidelines related to the country or region. While choosing an LMS it is important to acquire one that has ready documentation available to avoid any kind of non-compliance incidents been reported during a GxP audit.

While these are standard procedures required for the pharma industry, clients face major time loss trying to get these customizations done to their LMS. We suggest being proactive while looking for an LMS, rather than reacting after getting one.   

At GCube, we have 20 years of experience and 80+ industry awards in learning technologies. To know more about products and services, please do write to us

Reducing of Time to Productivity


Large product portfolios with varying level of complexities for new teams with different levels of skills and knowledge. Have we been able to state the most basic issue of your life as BFSI leader? Our gut feeling is that we have. Longer time to productivity usually always means lesser time at peak productivity due to compliance mandates and certifications in your industry.

Thus, the basic and foremost requirement of any BFSI organization is to achieve shorter TTP and here are 5 steps to do the same. All you need is the right LMS.

Step 1: Pre-joining Engagement

The idea is to identify the skills and abilities of each individual right at the time of joining so there is no wastage of time and effort. The information can be captured on the LMS which can then deploy trainings according to the levels at which the employee currently is. A pre-joining training kit which may contain information about the organization, leadership, payroll etc also helps the employees settle down faster with the company with a sense of belonging.

The pre-joining involvement through the LMS creates the opportunity to deploy all the basic training modules related to the company’s products and key phrases or industry jargon so that your new-hires can hit the floor running. Of course, these will be material which are available on the public domain and are not proprietary documents. 

Step 2: Creating Personalized Learning Path

With information gathered and basic training deployed in the previous step, an effective LMS can then assign automated training to a new hire to bring them at par with others in their batch or even move someone to advanced batches if they are ahead of the others. Keeping in mind the different skill levels, talents and learning styles, a good learning management system can create a learning path for individuals based on multiple factors and help them to find what they are good at and truly enjoy doing. This in-turn helps them achieve peak performance faster.

As the learning is mapped to the job role or product an individual is handling, the LMS can throw up timely notifications required for certification or guideline updates which otherwise leads to confusions and loss of productivity.

Step 3: Create Immersive Learning Experience

The number of products in BFSI is extensive and often riddled with complexities that employees must navigate and be able to explain in simple language. This means they require in-depth understanding of the product, which is easy to deliver through interactive media via an LMS. Trainees are offered life-like simulations for scenarios, understanding of product combinations and with inputs from sales teams for real questions asked by customers. What they get is an immersive experience and are more confident to achieve peak performance faster.

Small learning nuggets can be sent to the employees at regular intervals, automated through the LMS. This ensures continued and reinforced learning which reduces knowledge loss and creates better customer experience.

Step 4: Segregate Experience Employees from new ones

Segregation of training programs and content based on who the audience is effectively reduces time lost in futile training or retraining. An LMS is again key to this step to achieve desired results. For example, the same product needs to have two deliveries. For basic level folks who need more detailed explanations and an advanced level for whom it can be a quick upskill intervention. As your LMS already has the learning data of each individual, it can help you identify the right kind of training required for a particular individual who is at a particular level of understanding or experience.  

Step 5: Make Learning an Agile Process

A company that has a tradition of agility will always find it easier to handle bumps in the road. Like most things, training processes and systems also experience fatigue and become outdated very quickly. BFSI companies need to invest in an LMS that are built to handle and respond to update needs in an intelligent way. A good LMS will allow deployment of changes, alerts to roles who need to learn or get certified, and also give leadership visibility to the status of certifications, especially those that fall under the compliance umbrella.

Knowledge is very liquid and relative, especially as the typical time in a role gets impacted by attrition, role change or promotions. Leaders need to be able to get more time per resource at peak productivity and the right LMS can be an ideal partner to help organizations achieve their Time to Productivity goals.

At GCube, we have 20 years of experience and 80+ industry awards in learning technologies. To know more about products and services, please do write to us

Saturday, 6 March 2021

Automotive Industry Update: Learning Management Systems Should Be Industry Focused

Hiring an electrician to do a plumber’s job, could lead to someone or something getting zapped. Similarly using a corporate learning management system (LMS) to deliver training to the personnel at your auto dealerships can bring about dissatisfactory results.

To understand the learning needs at an automotive dealership, we looked at the variables that make our auto industry clients’ dealerships unique.

  1. Diverse and non-homogenous skills and education of the work force
  2. Unrelated departmental goals at first glance
  3. Skewed trainer to dealership ratio
  4. Lack of structured training before shop floor exposure
  5. Unavailability of logical linking of training and performance

Our study suggests that for automotive dealerships the choice of LMS needs to be industry specific in order to overcome these issues. The following key features are what sets the Auto specific LMS apart from the rest of the lot. Read on.

On the job training and evaluation

At most dealerships, a new hire goes from completing their joining formalities to the shop floor directly. Under these circumstances where there is no formal training, it is important to have an LMS which has inbuilt forms, checklists, and tools. This helps mentors or seniors to keep track of everything they need to share with a trainee, and to evaluate a trainee’s performance while on-the-job.

Predictive analysis of individual’s performance to annual sales trends

Almost every role, whether customer facing or not, has an impact on the brand and reputation of a dealership, which ultimately impacts the annual sales trends. Therefore, an LMS which connects trainings attended to performance in their job roles, and then extrapolates that to find trends impacting sales, gives the leadership a way to predict training needs.

Simple user interface for diverse workforce

There cannot be different learning management systems for different departments at a dealership. Therefore, the LMS of choice must have an interface that is easy to use by an undergraduate mechanic with 20 years of on-job experience with automobile engines. With smartphones and tablets, it has become extremely easy to get a knowledge device into the hands of the employees, but the delivery of knowledge must be easy to handle and understand.

Sales and service enablement tools

Customers want great service and at a price point that makes sense to them. Whether the customer is purchasing a new vehicle, exchanging an older model, or getting one serviced, the employees talking to the customers should have knowledge, expertise, and customer service skills. Some things can be imbibed through training, but some things like market prices, loan rates, parts availability, etc. needs a ready interface that provides this information to the employee. An LMS that gives the flexibility to set up chat-bots, comparison charts, and calculators to enable point-of-sale assist is a blessing.

Integration with management systems

Integration with the CRM or dealership management system allows the LMS to fetch performance data and link it to the trainings attended or available. This also creates a visual chart or dashboard to be available to view and manage the extended workforce.

Optimum training resource utilization

When the ratio of trainer and dealerships is not optimal, the trainer has to travel extensively. Having an LMS that can track trainer calendars for availability and scheduling, and other resources such as room availability really helps. The LMS should also have an OTP feature for when the trainer starts a training. It should be able to capture attendance via an app and should also be able to deliver proctored assessments. If the LMS can provide all these insights, then it becomes easy for leadership to track the cost-benefit ratio of this method of training delivery.

In an industry that is in a constant state of flux, being able to empower and enable all the personnel at a dealership to put their best foot forward is essential. The right learning management system can help provide stability to employees and prepare them for handling the changes the future may bring.

We at GCube, have 20 years of experience and 80+ industry awards in learning technologies; and would love to hear your thoughts, queries, and suggestions. Please do write to us.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Choosing Amongst Popular Learning Management System in India

Improving Learner Engagement, Retention, and Overall Performance

When it comes to training the modern workforce adequately, it becomes essential for organizations to choose amongst the best Learning Management Systems (LMS) in India. In today’s digital era, most of the enterprises utilize elearning management systems as a powerful platform to drive workforce engagement, retention, and enhance overall business value and reach.

Popular Learning Management System
Top Learning Management System in India

Organizations from different industry verticals can leverage benefits from modern elearning management systems. They deploy LMSs to facilitate training process, reinforce learning, and drive competitive success. In addition to corporate, even the higher education sector utilizes robust training platforms to train globally dispersed students as well as teachers. Litmos LMS, G-Cube LMS, Edmodo, Docebo, and others are amongst the leading learning management systems in India which cater to the training and development needs of corporate learners.

Highlighting Features of Popular Learning Management Systems in India 

While Docebo is a robust SaaS LMS which is used off-the-shelf as well as integrated with other systems. Its top features include Classroom Management, Blended Learning, Certificate Management, eCommerce, and more. On the other hand, Edmodo is effectively utilized by the education sector for student and staff training. Its top features include polling for students, track student progress, badges for good performers, mobile app personalization, and more. Litmos LMS is used by mid-market corporations to automate internal as well as external learning programs. The key features of this corporate LMS include- schedule live courses, intuitive UI, assessments, surveys, and more. When it comes to choosing amongst the most reliable, robust, and performance-driven learning management systems in India, G-Cube LMS serves as the perfect choice. Discussed below are some of the advanced features of this new-age e learning system used by multiple industries:
  • Assessment engine
The powerful G-Cube LMS supports assessment engine feature which allows the admin to create a set of different types of questions including multiple-choice, true/false, fill in the blanks, match the following, and others. The admin creates an assessment based on varied job roles, styles, and preferences of learners to analyze their overall performance.
  • Gamification
This feature enables the integration of engaging game elements (badges, scores, and points) with the elearning platform. As different training modules are accessible at various levels in the form of scenarios and quizzes, the overall experience becomes complete fun and engaging.
  • Interactive User Interface (UI)
Users with varied roles- learner, admin, trainer, and manager access e learning systems to meet corporate training needs. An admin can customize the fonts, themes, and choose the language of their choice. The dashboard is interactive in a way that learners can log in on their personalized device and check the updated status on training completed upcoming training, progress report, and more.
  • KPI-driven learning
KPI-driven automated delivery is one of the critical features of the new-age G-Cube LMS. The LMS seamlessly integrates with other existing systems such as Human Resources Management System (HRMS), Sales Management Systems, and more. Based on the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) fetched from these systems, the LMS creates performance metrics and accordingly assign courses to meet the personalized needs.

In addition to the above, the top learning management systems in India support other incredible features including elearning management and certification, mobile apps, automated reporting & tracking, classroom training management, collaborative learning, streaming video library, integration, spaced learning, and others. On the whole, the focus is to utilize a robust elearning platform as a strategic tool to boost overall learner performance, engagement, knowledge retention, and business growth.