Showing posts with label benefits of e learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label benefits of e learning. Show all posts

Friday 22 October 2021

Seamless Onboarding Solutions: From Surviving to Thriving

You just got done with the onboarding process of a great new employee after doing multiple rounds of screening and interviews. You are hopeful that this new addition will be an asset to the organization, and you might even get a thank you email from your manager.


You are happy that this employee has joined the organization. But after a few days you see the employee standing near the coffee machine, alone, and she doesn’t look happy!


You approach her, you smiled, she smirked!


You already know that all new hires face multiple unknowns and are probably anxious about what lies ahead, who will be on their team, and what kind of culture they will they be working in.


Did you know that 93% of employers agree that the quality of the onboarding process influences candidates’ decisions to stay in an organization? An effective introduction is key to avoiding early communication barriers and enabling long-lasting relationships.


What do your new hires want?  


Generally, new hires want to feel a part of the company as soon as possible. They start out with the intention of supporting your company’s vision, but unless they connect with the rest of the organization, they won’t.


In the age of digital onboarding some remote operations can prevent a new employee from developing a proper feel for the company.


The things that make a difference are:

  1. Culture clarity
  2. Clarity of expectations
  3. Sense of belonging
  4. Policies and other mandates

How To Help New Team Members Fit In


Immerse them into the culture and communicate their purpose in your company!


When this strategic initiative is crafted for a customized experience capable of addressing new hire hesitations, it becomes an excellent onboarding program. The efficient pre-onboarding, induction, and post-onboarding phases not only encourage new hires to explore the company further but also assist them to actively engage with the corporate vision and culture.


Before we dig in, a note—every organization will onboard differently. The key is to make sure that your unique onboarding process complements the company and provides opportunities to develop culture awareness. We recommend cognitive-friendly content for new hires.




A robust onboarding process starts even before an employee is hired. An engrossing organizational history that shows the growth phase in which new hires are joining, the organizational structure, and key team member involvement will help new hires settle into their positions.


An initiative such as multiple avatar options that introduce your organization virtually promotes diversity.


A virtual treasure hunt designed to explore hidden facts on culture, compliance, and policies involves the new hires and they learn sub-consciously.


Discussing key competencies and sharing other employee’s success stories encourages them to replicate crucial behaviors. It is always a good idea to highlight the most positive parts of your culture, such as, for example, your open-door policy.




Providing new employees with clear expectations for their roles and responsibilities, key result areas (KRAs), required behaviors, and standard operating procedures will help them greatly.


Onboarding should have meaningful, engaging, and customized content linked to the employee’s KRAs. The content should suit all learning styles.


Impress your new hires with the best experience that utilizes custom content regarding location, department, profile, and desired workflow. This swiftly introduces them to your brand in a unique way.


Utilize microlearning as a best friend at work, which can help them access required information, so your new hires never feel lost. There can be tips on how to use technology, your platform, and any other information required to do their jobs.


It is also important to share emergency contact numbers, single point of contact details, and contact information for the key members of their team.


Sense of Belonging


Since a lot of information about the company is presented to new hires, regular two-way communication will help them feel they belong. Engaging interactions that communicate welcoming happen in great places to work.


Providing new hires with opportunities to interact with their teams, express themselves, and ask questions as well as making them feel valued will encourage them to want to contribute to the overall success of your organization. Things like chatbots, fun quizzes, flipped classes, and micro mobile content can be used for this purpose.


Introducing a multi-player activity in induction programs enables social learning and acts as a great relationship building platform for anyone joining your organization.


Policies and Other Mandates


Create an impactful introduction to company policies and guidelines for your new employees. It will not only make them want to adhere but also revisit the policies to stay compliant.


If new hires get inducted correctly, it will boost their morale. The principles and science of learning understand the knowledge, skill, and behavior requirements of your employees. Utilizing this science in the best way to deliver a cognition-friendly onboarding experience is the need of the hour. Blend it to connect people with love and empathy.


Your new hires want to fit into your organization. Contact G-Cube today to make your new hire process the very best it can be.

Monday 18 October 2021

Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter Banking Sector – Training Opportunities & Strategies. Will LXP or LMS be proved more powerful?


The banking sector has only one thing as constant and that’s called “Change”. This industry has been going through major transformations over the last couple of years due to economic reforms, changing demographics and technological advancements.


The customer base for this industry is highly tech-savvy, short on time and always looking for competent and personalized services. To meet the requirements, there is need to establish a productive workplace that is free of human errors, security threats and bring premium banking & financial products or services, thus it is imperative for banking sector to implement an LMS platform to build upon essential competencies to achieve desired goals for the end-users. You need to build upon a strong & highly skilled team to remain innovative and quickly adjust to the outside changes.


Thus, this gives rise to the training needs in this industry which are to be commenced and completed as soon as possible for better outputs.


Training Opportunities, the banks need to address


  • Regulation changes & Compliance Constraints
  • Ensuring Standardization
  • Workforce at multiple locations
  • Supplementing Existing Courses


Employee engagement is must in learning and development (L&D) programs for any organization. Survey data from Find Course, released in 2018, shows that around 42% of companies indicated that employees who are highly engaged in L&D programs are also highly engaged with their organizations overall. A 2017 Gallup study, meanwhile, said that top-performing companies in employee engagement almost double their chances of success, as compared with companies with low employee engagement.


In a way neither the LMS nor the LXP is necessarily be called as the best choice for a particular bank, however, lets understand what makes each solution distinct to make accurate comparisons and choosing right training platforms.


LMS Approach


The traditional LMS help the banks from administration to delivery, reporting and evaluation of training & learning initiatives. In this model, administrators will assign the trainings to their employees, and they will be notified to access the materials and complete the training.


LMS will then collate data which may include key details such as assessment scores, training completion status. Proving compliance can be achieved easily, thanks to the easy-to-access and robust reporting features of an LMS. Also, this is particularly important for a heavily regulated sector, where compliance is a crucial aspect of a bank’s survival.


 LXP Approach


An LXP is new platform that brings different functionalities on a single platform. It helps banks ensure continuous learning through quick and convenient creation & deployment of training modules. LXP promotes more of learning engagement, employees are empowered to choose as what they want to learn. Also, this robust platform comes with functions that encourage collaboration and content sharing.


With more of the employee engagement, benefit that brings to banks revolves in three key aspects: Talent management, Productivity and Customer Service. At the end of the day, banking is all about being responsive to their customers. This follows that when employees are invested in the success of the bank, you can expect them to serve the customers at their best.


Skill Based


Uses a skill-based model, mapped job roles including skills assessment

Flexible to be used for Corporate Trainings


Used Based


Recommend content, based on user’s content consumption patterns

Great for creating huge libraries for B2C model


Machine Learning Driven


Indexing of content enables easy search and usability

Recommendations improve as the learner spends more time on the platform


As per the “Centre for Learning and Workplace Survey”, a staggering 87% of employees want a shared format for learning, while around 79% prefer web resources. The banks are going through technological revolution, witnessing fast-paced changes in products, services, customer education needs and regulatory frameworks. Thus, banks need to make a decision as whether LMS or LXP will be more handy to meet all business requirements.


Benefits to be achieved using these Learning strategies


  • Lower the turnover of both skilled and early-career employees
  • Reduce the high training costs of new employees
  • Identify employees with specific skills and compliance gaps
  • Decrease the time spent on on-the-job training
  • Reduce the pressure to control and lower expenses due to the market volatility
  • Meet high costs of compliance in a very regulated environment


G-Cube LMS is designed and ready to deliver all the business needs of the banking sector. The fully features LMS caters to all learning requirements of the employees and thus ensuring good customer service for the end-users.

Thursday 30 September 2021

Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter Customer Service – Solutions to Stay Upbeat

Customer expectations are reaching new heights, and poor customer service can cost a fortune.

The way in which a customer is treated, communicated with, and valued can make a significant difference. It is a crucial element that can distinguish one brand from another.



What does the future of customer service look like?


Traditionally, people did business or bought products based on brand, image, and price, but now it is very much about the experience. Any transaction, whether it is with people, products or in business, is judged on the value associated with the experience.


Customer Experience

Understanding the customer is a major factor. A recent survey by PWC suggests that, in the last six months, consumer behavior has evolved significantly.


The feel-good factor is important, and strategies should include all modes of communication, such as chat-bot, messages, email, and notifications. Customers happily pay more for a product if they feel they have had a pleasant experience.


Customer support should not be an afterthought. A highly impactful customer base can be developed by providing great products accompanied by great customer service.



Technology as an Enabler

Companies collect the most relevant data when they can utilize and decode customer information to improve their goods or services.


Technology alone cannot necessarily solve the problem, but it can provide these essential elements: Speed. Convenience. Consistency. Friendliness.


Emotionally Connected and Safe Experiences

Seventy-one percent of Americans would rather interact with a human than a chatbot or some other automated process – PwC.


This new standard of expectation has also seen a shift in values. Customers want a safe experience in their transactions and interactions, and this can be seen as an opportunity to develop stronger and more meaningful relationships.



How can you make this work?


Simply by enabling your staff.


But how do we get it right?


Despite recent global upheavals, some things remain constant in customer service and experience—’building trust’ and ‘human connection’.


The first step would be to treat our internal stakeholders as our prime customer. Thus, business strategies and priorities focusing on customer service representatives, especially the frontline staff, will contribute significantly.

With an ability to communicate kindly and clearly, they can have a considerable impact on the business with cross-selling and up-selling.



Solutions to stay upbeat



Customers would not be happy with a service if they felt that the representative lacked knowledge. A knowledgeable employee should sound confident, be able to resolve issues and combat difficult customer interactions.


To empower your prominent stakeholders:

  1. Provide them with handy guides, such as a quick-fix negotiation guide or a conversation guide in the appropriate format, as well as learning nuggets, including just-in-time modules, reference guides, etc.
  2. Provide them a centralized knowledge base with learning resources acting as a kiosk constantly available from any device.
  3. Teach them with an engaging learning strategy to make training enjoyable and engaging, including tools such as animations and interactions, explainer videos, demonstration videos, and other interactive videos.
  4. Have knowledge-sharing sessions with top performers to improve competence.



Organizations need to nurture their employees’ digital, cognitive, social and emotional, and adaptability and resilience skill sets. Many customers have struggled during the pandemic, and a little empathy can help them feel good.


The ever-evolving skill-based training and the current challenges require companies to proactively create strategies that enable development in four areas:

  1. Basic digital skills to understand the organization’s ecosystem, critical technology, and processes.
  2. Life skills such as adaptability and resilience to drive this experiential shift.
  3. Situational empathy skills to combat disruptions caused by the pandemic.
  4. Cognitive skills to further enhance and prepare for a self-reliant environment.



To be prepared for the dynamic role of customer service, we must equip team members with information and technology, so they are able to assist the customer in their best capacity.

  1. Prepare the team for positive customer experiences with virtual reality learning solutions that mirror real-life situations.
  2. Provide guided training modules with challenges that allow learners to realize, decide, and get feedback on responses.
  3. Prepare for high-quality solution-oriented customer service that acts as an agent for behavioral change.
  4. Provide reinforcement sessions to boost positive customer service habits and behaviors.


Make sure your employees are aware and understand that they are empowered. Reach out to G-Cube to discover excellent solutions for customer service.

Wednesday 8 September 2021

‘Channelize’ your eLearning Strategy


According to Statista, Youtube has 2.1 billion users in 2021 and according to the company, their users spend an average of 1 hour on the platform daily. Netflix on the other hand has 203 million+ paid subscribers and the company has seen 21.9% growth over last 12 months. eMarketer estimates that Netflix accounts for 25.7% of daily digital video time among US adults. This means that the average US adult spends 30 minutes a day watching Netflix.



These overwhelming numbers, do make us question the strategy behind such extraordinary user engagement? Is it just good content that keeps their audience glued or makes them come back for more or is it something else? Experts are of the opinion, that it is the suggestion engine that is driving the numbers, along with the presentation of that suggestion.



Youtube and Netflix are not just video streaming platforms anymore. They have now become content suggestion engines with the radical advancement in machine learning and artificial intelligence. These platforms are analyzing the user’s interaction with the content on the platform to suggest relevant content as per the user’s preference. The suggested content is further segregated into various categories based on the user’s past views on the platforms, their choice of language, geographical positioning, peer’s choice and so on. The user’s visit is incentivized by this service the platform is providing and their engagement with the platform increases with the sense of hyper-personalization. Netflix rakes in USD 1 billion each year by ensuring strong customer retention with the use of recommender engines, or the channel approach.



Now imagine, having the same strategy implemented for your learning delivery. Given the user’s behavior on these OTT platforms, one can safely bet on the effectiveness of a similar channel-based user interface on a learning platform. In 2018, Josh Bersin said that research has found out that employees have on an average 24 minutes to dedicate to learning. Learning providers have to strategically make most of this time and also create an affinity towards learning. The Netflix-like channel-based UI on a learning platform revolutionizes the way a learner receives content and consumes it. They not only receive the most relevant content in one glance, but the admin can push the most important courses, assessments, videos etc according to priority.



Sayan Guha, Product Head – Learning Technologies, G-Cube is a big advocate of this channel-based approach and says ‘When we talk of the Learn Tech industry, the scope is unimaginable for using the channel approach for learning personalization. Based on the learners’ interest, training history, and content consumption choices, the recommender algorithm can throw in incredibly useful training suggestions which will most definitely increase engagement and effectiveness of training. Our channel-based approach is driving high learning adoption for all kinds of learners, from leadership to sales teams to customers.’



How does channel-based approach facilitate learning?


  • It helps categorize the learning content automatically based on keywords which also helps in keyword-based content search. For example – When a learner types/search a keyword- for example, ‘mobile hardware items’ they will find, anything related to it available on the LMS, even from the ‘recently uploaded’ or ‘about to expire’ items on their channels. Having this feature helps learners save time and effort.
  • The channels are rule-based which means that once a new learning content is uploaded on the platform, the content will get automatically segregated in the relevant channel.
  • Learning courses, assessments, certifications which must be completed within a certain date or have to be renewed can be highlighted in separate channel with alerts to the user.
  • As the channels are programmable, admin can edit the channel placement through simple drag and drop to put the channels on the top whose content needs attention from the learner.
  • Learner can see the recommended content based on their job roles, KPIs, past learning records and peer activity, all segregated into separate channels. Just like Netflix, G-Cube’s LMS home page looks different for different profiles as the learner can see content relevant to their profiles and recommendations.



AI advancements has taken over all aspects of digital experience of human beings – starting from how we listen to music to how we navigate our way to work. That is the level of efficiency and comfort your learners deserve in their learning journey as well. To know more about the programmable channel-based G-Cube LMSwrite to us.

How the Learning Management System Lives on!


“LMS is dead”—this statement came out more than a decade ago, in 2009–10. However, not only did the LMS survive; it also thrived by leaps and bounds. In 2017, Josh Bersin had written an article for Forbes stating: “Companies are starting to move away from their Learning Management Systems (LMS), buy all sorts of new tools for digital learning, and rebuild a whole new infrastructure to help employees learn.”


Four years after this prediction, reported:


The Global Learning Management System market size was USD 10.84 billion in 2020. The global impact of Covid-19 has been unprecedented and staggering, with LMS witnessing a positive demand shock across all regions amid the pandemic. Based on our analysis the global market exhibited a significant growth of 23.8% in 2020 as compared to the year-on-year growth during 2017–2019. The market is projected to grow from 13.38 billion USD to 44.48 billion USD in 2028 at a CAGR of 18.7% in the 2021–28 period. The change in CAGR is attributable to this market’s demand & growth, returning to pre-pandemic levels once the pandemic is over.


The statistics confirm that even after the death verdict, the LMS demonstrated resilience against the market opinion and transformed itself in terms of features, functionalities, and technologies. Rapidly, it developed and embraced new technologies like artificial intelligence, big data, and consumer-level user-friendliness to maintain its supremacy. The modern LMS has adapted itself to create personalized learning paths for employees, AI-based suggestions to increase learning uptake, and most importantly, it created a collaborative environment for learning, even in a virtual space.


With the growing technology, management processes, and performance expectations, the need for new knowledge, skills, and even human behavior has evolved. Organizations cannot compete in this business by using old styles of work; it dawned this realization upon not only large corporations but also medium and small-sized companies. Most organizations have a growing need to empower their employees, customers, partners, and freelancers with knowledge, and in this age of information boom, they need a better system every second year to keep up.


In an article that came out in 2011, Ellen Behrens predicted that instead of the LMS dying out, it will significantly change in the years to come—most likely to continue including successful ways of providing access to learning across the world, smart ways to measure it, and last, implementations of social features that allow both association members and non-members (learners) to interact and connect.


There was a time when L&D specialists, analysts, and learners complained about the LMS gradually turning into a tedious and irrelevant application. However, the LMS providers did not fail to take notice of these complaints. According to Mr. Ankush Jagga, Business Head of Products & Growth at G-Cube: “We have served millions of learners in last 20 years and we have been constantly conducting surveys among the learners and the training providers to figure out what is needed and what needs to be eliminated from the LMS. So, at the end of the day, learners get a fantastic experience. Every quarter, we release new version of our LMS on the basis of the surveys and the opinion leader’s thought.”


Ten years down the line, Ellen Behrens’ prediction has come true. With digitization, jobs are changing rapidly, and skills required to adapt to this change are less mechanical and more human. Corporate training has thus become less about sporadic skill development or compliance training. The modern organization demands a culture of continuous learning and upskilling for the employees. To address this need, the 21st Century LMS has thus not become a manager for training and content but, rather, a coach to motivate the learners.


Just like humankind, software and applications also evolves. They take new shapes to adapt to the environment. Darwin’s theory of the “Survival of the Fittest” applies not only to humans but also to technology. So, the LMS, just like other software—CRM, ERP, HRMS, etc., have actively listened, made changes, and remained relevant and meaningful to the organizations.

Monday 16 September 2019

Highlighting Top Benefits of E Learning

Highlighting Top Benefits of E Learning: Saving Costs, Boosting Engagement, Increasing ROIs, and More

Modern learners absorb information in different ways and at their own pace. Online corporate training imparts a flexible system which perfectly aligns learning to pertinent needs. Furthermore, when e-learning blends with classroom-based training, the results can be lucrative. Most organizations are leveraging the benefits of e learning to optimize workforce engagement, knowledge retention, and training ROI.


Many studies based on utilizing e learning portal indicate that modern workforce learns better through online instruction in comparison to classroom sessions. Learning associated with e-learning includes knowledge, interaction, and training procedures. There is a broad spectrum of advantages of e-learning, which include:
  • Self-paced approach
One of the most significant advantages of online learning is the ability to learn anytime, anywhere, and on any mobile device. You can access online courses on your personalized mobile device, while at home, in office, or on the go.
  • Reduced costs
Unlike traditional classroom training approach, which involves huge costs associated with travel and infrastructure, e-learning serves as a viable choice. With technological advancement, the availability of training content across smartphones and tablets boost overall learner interaction, reduce costs, and increase business ROIs.
  • Instant feedback
Organizational managers include quizzes and assessments to analyze the performance of employees during a training program. Based on the scores earned by individuals, managers provide immediate feedback which can drive organizational performance, bridge skills-gaps, and attain success.
  • Game-based learning
Games in e-learning ensure an engaging training delivery by including badges, scores, levels, leaderboards, and more. These gaming elements engage and encourage learners to undergo training, earn scores, reach the next level on the leaderboard, and stay competitive.
  • Measurable
Measuring the impact of corporate training through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is one of the significant benefits of e learning. The robust e-learning systems integrate with enterprise systems (HRMS, CRM, ERP, etc.) to collate KPI data and create performance metrics for individuals. Based on the KPI data, the system aligns e-learning courses as per the personalized needs of targeted audiences.

Undoubtedly, delivering effective corporate training is tedious, but a necessity for the majority of organizations. The text-based content is boring and lacks maximum employee participation. Several benefits of e learning from saving costs and incorporating games to delivering personalized learning and measuring performance, enable businesses to stay ahead of the curve. The overall training impact results in improved engagement, reduced costs, greater accessibility, increased ROIs, and workforce performance. Online learning is effective in a way it aligns to pertinent training goals- onboarding, sales, soft skills, compliance, and much more.